
Friday, October 25, 2013

MSP- Highscores and Hackers

MSP is getting bad, fast.

More and more people are getting hacked everyday! Its not fair.
If someone wants something so bad, that they would steal it from somebody elses account, that's just messed up. And its all about the 'moviestars' like pump and mybeau. I mean, sure, their cool, and they make lots of movies. But what about the Low levels? They could be just as amazing as Pump, but their undiscovered. I know how frustrating it was when I worked sooo hard on an artbook, and it only got a few likes. I once made a village of little people just by using tiny dresses. It took hours, but once I finished it, I knew it was worth it. But it only got a few likes. It was really frustrating for me, and I don't want anyone else to have to go thru that. so that's why whenever I view a lower levels artbook, I ALWAYS 'love' it. You should get in the habit of doing it, because one little click can give someone confidence, and make someones day. And if your worried that if you 'love' someones artbook, and then other people do too, that they might get more popular than you, then your unbearably selfish.

  Peace out,
Girl Scout ;)

                                                   - Q o O d Y

1 comment:

  1. srry for this guys. most of my posts aren't that serious, but this one is because I really had to touch on an important topic
